目前分類:歐美 (212)
- May 12 Mon 2008 09:46
- May 09 Fri 2008 15:35
Army's Bug-Bot Swarm Takes on Terrorists
Perhaps this picture of a bug-like robot that joins a military horde of intelligent machines intrigued you. If so, then you'll probably enjoy this animated promotional video, from defense contractor BAE Systems. In it, the company off its vision for "Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology" -- tiny, swarming, insectoid robots. The Army just gave BAE Systems a $38 million contract to head up a consortium of researchers into the next-gen mini-drones.
- Apr 28 Mon 2008 11:21
ASIMO Robot to Conduct the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
- Apr 28 Mon 2008 11:14
Leave Me Alone Box
- Apr 21 Mon 2008 12:22
uBOT-5 911
- Apr 17 Thu 2008 11:54
Elvis robot
The Elvinator Project is just one of many attempts to recreate The King as a robotic being, but based on the video posted after the jump, we're really wondering if this isn't Elvis reincarnated. From what we can glean, the idea here was to create a masterfully sculpted rendition of Big El that sung and conversed with mere mortals, but there's just something absurdly creepy about seeing him carry on without a face. Oh, and Mr. Presley -- your lip syncing could use some serious work.
- Apr 07 Mon 2008 12:31
- Mar 31 Mon 2008 16:14
Drum machine robot
This little yellow-tracked robot roams around looking for something to drum on. It samples the sound, makes sure it is good, and creates little rhythms. There are more videos on the web site that are definitely worth a look. Drum machine robot There is always more fun to do with this robot, but for now I will just mark it "complete" in the current version, hope you enjoy it.
- Mar 26 Wed 2008 10:13
SMD Ultra Trencher 1
造 價1000萬歐元,全球最龐大的深海遙控機器人SMD Ultra Trencher 1 (UT1),已經開工啦。50噸重,三圍25.5 x 25.5 x 18.3英呎,功率2兆瓦特,可以在1500米深的堅硬海床上打出1米寬2.5米深的壕溝,並鋪設電纜。由於船隻胡亂拋錨,弄斷了3到4根深海主幹光纜, UT1及時上工正好解決了這燃眉之急。
- Mar 25 Tue 2008 11:15
ANN ARBOR, Mich.—A six-inch robotic spy plane modeled after a bat would gather data from sights, sounds and smells in urban combat zones and transmit information back to a soldier in real time.
- Mar 15 Sat 2008 15:52
A robotic taxi named robuCAB
According to ICT Results, a EU-funded project named Embounded 'has achieved the twin, and apparently contradictory goals, of making embedded systems both smarter and tougher.' One example is the robuCAB, a '4 seats automated people mover' developed by a French company and built from a 4 wheel-drive electric chassis with on-board PC. This autonomous vehicle follows the kerb and carries several embedded systems, with one camera on the path edge, another device tracking the angle and direction of the kerb, while others control the gearing and acceleration. robuCABs are not totally independent. They move over pre-defined circuits which contain a series of sensors below the ground. But read more...
You can see above two robuCABs on the road. (Credit: Robosoft) Here is a link to a mini picture gallery. Robosoft is a French company based in the Technopole d'Izarbel Bidart and has a long history of designing high-end innovative service robots. It was founded in 1985 as a start-up of the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA).
- Jan 08 Tue 2008 10:32
Welcome to the 59th Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg from 7 to 12 February 2008!
- Jan 07 Mon 2008 10:15
WowWee continues its cuddly robo-assault today, backing up the revamped FlyTech and Robotics gear with the Alive Lion, a furry robo-pet with "lifelike responses." The Lion features realistic fur, an animated face, and several feline-like reactions, like going limp when picked up by the scruff of the neck and falling asleep when left alone for five minutes. The Lion should be shipping soon, but the entire Alive line will get bigger later this year with the addition of the Alive White Tiger Cub, the Alive Panda Cub, and the Alive Polar Bear Cub.
- Dec 26 Wed 2007 11:01
Disneyland intros roving animatronic Muppets; Mickey and friends fear pink slips
The happiest place on Earth (Disneyland, not Las Vegas during CES) just got a little happier this week, thanks to a new exhibit called the Muppet Mobile Laboratory that roams the park and delights visitors with inane banter and sprays of water. Probably having nothing to do with the fact that the human costumed characters like to videotape themselves in suggestive poses while still in uniform, Disney decided to eschew flesh and bone for metal and silicon when it tasked the Imagineering studio with whipping up California Adventure's newest residents, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his always chipper, possibly speed-addicted friend Beaker. The two wacky companions approach groups of visitors in their remotely-controlled, cartoonish rocket ship, and thanks to operators monitoring embedded cameras, microphones, and speakers, are able to to carry on eerily-realistic conversations that incorporate actual traits of the audience members. The L.A. Times reminds us that the MML is only the latest in a long line of animatronic entertainers, from the Enchanted Tiki Room and Mr. Lincoln in the 60's to Lucky the Dinosaur and Crush the Turtle in the new millennium -- but Honeydew and Tweaker Beaker are the first that can be modified to entertain in almost any environment. Disney expects the new tech -- which enables remote operation from as far away as Glendale -- to eventually expand its stable of characters to include some of the Muppets who are too small to be played by actors (as opposed to mice, dogs, and ducks, which are just the right size), so next time the kids finally wear you down and win another trip to the Magic Kingdom, at least you'll be able to pass the time by chasing around little Chip 'n Dales or wirelessly hacking Kermit to tell the kiddies what he really thinks of that flaky pig.
- Dec 24 Mon 2007 10:42
Single White Android機器人
- Dec 15 Sat 2007 17:14
- Dec 03 Mon 2007 10:28
Justin: A Humanoid Sporting Two DLR III Lightweight Arms
I saw a presentation by Professor Siciliano from University of Naples a few weeks ago. During the presentation, he briefly mentioned (and had a video) of a very cool new humanoid named Justin. Justin sports not one, but two of the DLR-III Light-Weight arms (now being manufactured by Kuka). These arms are impressive! They're the first robotic arms (to my knowledge) to have a 1-to-1 power-to-weight ratio (meaning they can lift their own mass). These are very "sexy" arms, and even more impressive in person (Georgia Tech has one in orange that I spent some time examining -- way cool). Anyway, I was unable to find copies of the videos Professor Siciliano showed during his presentation. The best I could find was a video on Wired's site from ICRA-2007. They apparently do not allow downloads, so the following was the best I could muster: Justin-ICRA07
這只被命名為Justin的人型機器人現在只是個展示品,未來會投入商業應用也說不定。幸好這傢伙是被固定在桌子上的,如果長了腿到處亂跑還不知道會造成何等的混亂。 Justin最大的特色就是那強大的DLR-III Light-Weight雙臂,除了外觀時尚以外,擺動起來也是相當靈巧,可以撿起垃圾或是旋開瓶蓋。
- May 24 Thu 2007 10:36
最近看到一各友盟設計的機器人挺.,不賴滴 我猜想他應該是想設計保全機器人吧! 而且他搭載雙引擎喔!! 挺優的. 介紹各位專家一各方向.., 這款機器人要是上市, 那., 會飛ㄉ時代即將來到 (我說機器人啦!) http://www.smallartworks.ca/Gallery/Robot/Robot.html