There was a lot of fun stuff at this year's ITP Winter Show, but Single White Android stole our hearts with his dejected expressions, glowing belly and brightly-lit excitability. Oh, and saran wrap, lots of saran wrap. The bot isn't terribly complicated, his belly glows red when he wants you to touch it, and when you do he lights up with joy. Hey, it's the little things, and while SWA might not be giving biped humanoids a run for research dollars anytime soon, he certainly managed to elicit some emotion from his audience.
今年的ITP(Interactive Telecommunications Program,互動電訊專題)冬季展上有許多有趣的玩意兒,Single White Android (可別和 Google 的 Android 混在一起)就是其中之一。這個機器人並不複雜,當他的腹部不適時(需要你的愛撫)就會變紅,你撫摸過後,他全身的[白]燈就會逐漸亮起,表達愉悅與感激之情。