WowWee continues its cuddly robo-assault today, backing up the revamped FlyTech and Robotics gear with the Alive Lion, a furry robo-pet with "lifelike responses." The Lion features realistic fur, an animated face, and several feline-like reactions, like going limp when picked up by the scruff of the neck and falling asleep when left alone for five minutes. The Lion should be shipping soon, but the entire Alive line will get bigger later this year with the addition of the Alive White Tiger Cub, the Alive Panda Cub, and the Alive Polar Bear Cub.
If you're not into cuddly, WowWee's got you covered with its new Fun series, which is comprised of several miniature Bug-Bots. Coming in several wheeled and treaded version, the bugs each have different particular skills, and touch sensors will enable several to interact as a swarm. In addition to the Bug-Bots, the Fun line will also include miniature versions of Wrex the Dawg, Tribot, and FemiSapien. Check 'em all out in the gallery!
Alive 系列目前只有即將出貨的這隻 Alive Lion,但年內它將再增加 Alive White Tiger Cub(白虎)、Alive Panda Cub(貓熊)和 Alive Polar Bear Cub(北極熊)三個伙伴。
對毛過敏的朋友 WowWee 也沒忘記,推出了主角是幾隻迷你機械蟲的全新 Fun 系列。這幾隻蟲有些是輪式的,有些是覆帶式的,但總之每隻都有不同的特異功能,並且有感應器讓它可以成群結隊地亂跑。另外,幾隻大號機器人的迷你版也是 Fun 系列的成員喔!
Posted Jan 6th 2008 3:00PM by Andy Yang
- Jan 07 Mon 2008 10:15