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坦克椅(Tank Chair),有一雙像瓦力的「大腳」,坐在上頭遊山玩水不是太大問題。據說開發者是為了不幸癱瘓的妻子而開發,讓熱愛戶外運動的妻子能重溫舊夢。

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 n_040306_houseRobots.jpg A U.S. government intelligence agency thinks robots may be so capable by 2025 that questions such as "Would you like fries with that?" may be uttered by a smiling machine at the order counter.
The National Intelligence Council, in a report titled "Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World" that was released last week, offered its long-range strategic thinking about the military and economic challenges the U.S. will face from other countries over the next 17 years, as well as the environmental challenges ahead. The report also looks at technologies, and it includes some sweeping ideas about the future.

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Bruno Maisonnier, le fondateur d’Aldebaran Robotics, est convaincu depuis 25 ans de l'avènement de l'ère de la robotique personnelle. Pendant ces années, il a développé des prototypes, évalué les technologies, rencontré des équipes de recherche et analysé les marchés, mais également dirigé des entreprises dans des contextes multiculturels.

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  • Oct 23 Thu 2008 14:43
  • 置頂 Kota

我們很開心可以動手玩 PlaySkool的Kota 三角恐龍機器玩具,但經過一個小時的把玩後,我們的態度有點保留。恩,Kota可以轉轉頭,搖搖尾巴,並根據他11個接觸點及重量感應器做出反應,來張開大嘴、發出聲音,但是,就僅止於此而已。

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  • Sep 30 Tue 2008 15:45
  • 置頂 Rovio

Rovio,我們認為是WowWee最好的作品之一,終於準備進駐家家戶戶,擔任起巡邏警備的任務了。首次在CES 2008亮相,這隻讓我們等很久的巡邏機器人現在接受預定,它具備640 x 480 的網路攝影機,可用MPEG4 format格式進行實況轉撥,影音畫面經由無線網路傳輸,讓你在外地也知道家裏是否安全。

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At MIT researchers are working on a self-navigating wheelchair that can learn the geography around it through simple voice commands, and then travel around using the map created within its computer brain.

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購物機器人曾在日本出沒,但在紐約商店就很少看見,現在這個情況可能要改變了。據報,UNIQLO SoHo 將在自家店面用Mitsubishi的Wakamaru機器人來招待客人,它有一雙直視你(或者嚇到你)的眼睛,可以做一些基本溝通,還可以幫你決定買哪一件衣服比較好。

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Stonehenge uses a CrustCrawler Smart Arm and a Parallax Propeller chip to display the current time. All the digits needed to display the time are located on cards positioned in a semi-circle around the left and right sides of the arm. The time itself is displayed in front of the arm. This gives the clock a "Stonehenge" like appearance. There are a total of 14 cards. Each card has two digits with one on each side. The software planner determines which card and which side is needed to display the time and then sends the necessary movement commands to the arm.

Most of the project was constructed from foam board purchased from the local office supply store. The cards are 1 ¾ by 4 inches. Embedded in the bottom of each card are two Neodymium magnets. The magnets snap to heads of 4-40 screws that are mounted in the base. The magnet/screw scheme compensates for any small amount of error that inevitably occurs when gripping and moving the cards around.

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  • Jul 24 Thu 2008 12:28
  • 置頂 UFO

前太空人驚爆 外星人早已造訪地球

更新日期:2008/07/24 04:09


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  • Jul 24 Thu 2008 10:32
  • 置頂 WowWee

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Machines and robots still have a hard time figuring out what they're seeing. Which is why the Army wants 'em to start sorting through images more like human beings. The Army recently put out a call for a "psychologically inspired object recognition system... Such a system would be extremely beneficial for robotic control/intelligence and would allow for an exponential expansion of robotic capabilities and intelligence." If it all works out as planned, the Army thinks the new robo-vision 'ware could be used in "robotic security systems, autonomous factory systems and robotic health care systems," as well. "Recognizing and identifying an object from a video input turns out to be a very difficult problem. The problem stems from the fact that a single object can be viewed from an infinite number of ways," the Army sighs. 

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