I saw a presentation by Professor Siciliano from University of Naples a few weeks ago. During the presentation, he briefly mentioned (and had a video) of a very cool new humanoid named Justin. Justin sports not one, but two of the DLR-III Light-Weight arms (now being manufactured by Kuka). These arms are impressive! They're the first robotic arms (to my knowledge) to have a 1-to-1 power-to-weight ratio (meaning they can lift their own mass). These are very "sexy" arms, and even more impressive in person (Georgia Tech has one in orange that I spent some time examining -- way cool). Anyway, I was unable to find copies of the videos Professor Siciliano showed during his presentation. The best I could find was a video on Wired's site from ICRA-2007. They apparently do not allow downloads, so the following was the best I could muster: Justin-ICRA07 
這只被命名為Justin的人型機器人現在只是個展示品,未來會投入商業應用也說不定。幸好這傢伙是被固定在桌子上的,如果長了腿到處亂跑還不知道會造成何等的混亂。 Justin最大的特色就是那強大的DLR-III Light-Weight雙臂,除了外觀時尚以外,擺動起來也是相當靈巧,可以撿起垃圾或是旋開瓶蓋。

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