我們首先得說,這是個一看上去是個讓人毛骨悚然的機器人。不過換過來說,這是最新一代的機器人了,不但擁有學習能力,應變能 力,還有社交知識,她能夠通過面部組件表達豐富的表情(不過我們建議MIT的弟兄們給他找個好的皮膚換上),同時這個機器人的關節還能夠自由活動,MIT 希望將來這些機器人自建能夠相互學習,觀察,並且對於如何和人類更完美的融合感興趣,放心吧,Nexi,我們歡迎你加入進來(謎之音:只是你長得好看點會 更快)。
We are developing a team of 4 small mobile humanoid robots that possess a novel combination of mobility, moderate dexterity, and human-centric communication and interaction abilities. Our collaborators include Xitome Design and UMASS Amherst. We refer to this class of robots as "MDS" for Mobile/Dexterous/Social. Completion is targeted for fall 2007.
The purpose of this platform is to support research and education goals in human-robot interaction, teaming, and social learning. In particular, the small footprint of the robot (roughly the size of a 3 year old child) allows multiple robots to operate safely within a typical laboratory floor space. MIT is responsible for the overall design, the mobile manipulator is developed by UMASS Amherst, and system integration is handled by Xitome Design.
This project is funded in part by an ONR DURIP Award "Mobile, Dexterous, Social Robots to Support Complex Human-Robot Teamwork in Uncertain Environments", Award Number N00014-06-0516. It is also funded in part by a Microsoft Research Grant.