This little yellow-tracked robot roams around looking for something to drum on. It samples the sound, makes sure it is good, and creates little rhythms. There are more videos on the web site that are definitely worth a look. Drum machine robot There is always more fun to do with this robot, but for now I will just mark it "complete" in the current version, hope you enjoy it.
robot VIDEO
Notice how the robot first plays on the object it finds (or is forced to find by the angry cameraman), plays a small beat, and records the beat it plays on it. Then this recorded beat is played again, and it starts to play on the object (an belt tracks and everything else it has),and also playing this sampled beat :)
Also some videos from construction and tuning-time..
What it does? Basically:
- Navigate around, collect some data, avoid obstacles, until it
- Finds something "worth playing on" (a single isolated object or a wide flat surface that it can find an angle onto)
- Snakes into place
- Plays some beats on what it have found, and samples this, checking it has a "good sound"
- Based on data collected in the area, and sample just made, then compose a little rhythm, and plays this along with the sample
Why? Well.. I was sitting thinking what I should do for my next robot, what it should do.. Listening to music.. making a rythm with some robot-parts.. Thought; "Hey, I will make a robot that drives around and plays on stuff"
Under neath is speaker and a microphone.
The speaker is used for beeps from the microcontroller, and to make click-sounds to the beat. The click-sounds are simply made by setting a pin high and then low straight after each oter. This way I can have the Microcontroller make sound to the music it is also playing, without using any time / causing delay.
The microphone (located on the stick between the two motors) is used to sample sounds and take input, measuring if the sticks are hitting anything or not.
Also it can be used to detect a foot stumping on the floor or someone clapping, and so the robot can find the speed of this after four beats, and play along / fall in to your clapping or stumping.
And.. It can be used when there are kids playing with the robot; Signals "Record", the kids shout, and the robot then plays music / a beat with their shouting as a part of "the music" :)
At the top there is another speaker. It is quite too large, I know, but I thought it looked cool :D Also because it is so torn and twisted, as I could not get it out of it´s old cabinet. On the top-speaker there is a red LED. It lights when the robot is recording, and gives a small blink when it is playing back a sample.
As said above, there is no servo on this robot. The head is also using the little motors from solarbotics. It was, however necessary to use some very thin wire to connect the SRF05, as it otherwise would sort of jam the head now and then if I was using my standard blue wire.
It was quite a fun challenge to make the rather complicated navigation and not having a servo, but only left /right/front to place the head, and then do the rest with the body.
The navigation is complicated because it is not just a matter of navigating around obstacles - that was the easy part. Second the robot has to find good places to drum; A single, isolated object, or a flat wall. Then the robot has to place itself on a good angle to the wall, or straight infront of the object.. All with only L/R/F with the head ;) But it does it quite well now! I am usually amazed of what it finds to play on, when I just let it drive around.
The robot runs for ever on just 4 cells. It must be because the belt-tracks are so geared that there is no strain on the motors.. And no servos, and the sampler takes nothing either.. I dont know, I just know that it runs for hours, more than my wife can stand to listen to - on one charge :D
In the center of this image is a L293D Motor driver. It is just used to enable the head to turn both ways.
Notice how easy it is to mount stuff with this glue; I just thought it would look good there on the side. Put some glue on, and stick it there. Hey, the cables are dangling.. Well.. press then onto the wood, and add a line of glue, bingo!
There is a blue print sticking out behind the wood from a cheese-container ;) That is "the sampler". It is actually this
- And it is just hacked; I took off the switches, and now the microcontroller can record and playback sounds.
這個可愛的機器人鼓手,讓我們想起電影中的可愛角色,同時你可以發現其獨特的造型,相當可愛,黃色的兩個坦克履帶,就如同走路的兩個鞋子,上面配置了兩個 麥克風和音箱,可以根據走路碰到的路況,產生另類音樂,這是個超級DIY的作品,前部的兩個像眼睛一樣的小喇叭,還能晃動,要是碰到可以敲打的東西,頂部 的棒子就會敲打,相當可愛;如果你想學造一個的話,可以到Make上面看看。
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