Rovio,我們認為是WowWee最好的作品之一,終於準備進駐家家戶戶,擔任起巡邏警備的任務了。首次在CES 2008亮相,這隻讓我們等很久的巡邏機器人現在接受預定,它具備640 x 480 的網路攝影機,可用MPEG4 format格式進行實況轉撥,影音畫面經由無線網路傳輸,讓你在外地也知道家裏是否安全。
而且 Rovio 還可以拍照存證,用e-mail寄照片給你,並客制化巡邏路線執行任務,並有紅外線感應器來閃避障礙物。預計本週五開賣,要價299.95美元(約台幣9,600元)。(癮科技)
This robotic sentry can be controlled by any remote device capable of browsing the internet, allowing you to monitor your home from anywhere in the world. Audio and high-resolution (640 x 480) video are streamed in MPEG4 format, and it can take still pictures and e-mail them to you; it has a two-way microphone and speaker that enable real-time interaction with subjects. Three wheels support its chassis, providing 360° of nimble movement as its camera boom extends to provide a wide field of view while surveying its surroundings. You can set the sentry with up to 10 paths for a customized patrol; it will move along a path, detecting and avoiding obstacles with its infrared sensor, and repeat the sequence until issued new orders. It operates for two hours from its rechargeable battery which draws power from the included recharging base (the sentry can locate its base using its built-in infrared sensor when you command it to re-charge remotely); full charge requires two hours. Requires a PC running Windows XP or Vista (or Macintosh), and a home wireless network for internet access. Ages 8 and up. 5" H x 10 1/2" L x 9" W; (10" H with camera deployed) (5 lbs.)