Feelix Growing is developing software empowering robots that can learn when a person is sad, happy or angry.
The learning part is achieved through the use of artificial neural networks, which are well suited to the varied and changing inputs that ‘perceptive’ robots would be exposed to.
Using cameras and sensors, the very simple robots being built by the researchers – using mostly off-the-shelf parts – can detect different parameters, such as a person's facial expressions, voice, and proximity to determine emotional state.
The technology pulls together research in robotics, adaptive systems, developmental and comparative psychology, neuroscience and ethology, which is all about human behaviour.
機器人擁有情緒已經不新鮮了,一項在歐洲進行的研究計畫Feelix Growing將教導這些人造人「如何辨認人類的喜怒哀樂」,並進一步利用軟體,讓機器人能透過鏡頭和感應器回傳的結果,理解人類情緒轉變的過程。
機器人在觀察人類的表情時,會紀錄他們的聲音和其他細節,進而幫助他們了解人類此刻的心情,另外,就像最近為各位介紹的UMass Mobile Manipulator一樣,Feelix Growing開發出來的機器人,也會從和人類互動經驗中學習,閱讀連結中有詳細的影片說明。(癮科技)