  • Dec 21 Fri 2007 12:18
  • 置頂 pleo


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極趣科技又再次光榮歸國.實在是太感動了! 該說感謝祖國嗎? 不過無論如何.都希望中國人可以趕快光榮的做出更多ROBOT產品. 讓龍的傳人.傲視全球~ 本次獲的"行走機器人競賽.企業組"冠軍. 那是當然要的阿. 全球最小的機器人.當然速度快.一樣高階伺服馬達~動作可快的ㄋ!! PMC機器人報導

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RoboPhilo is a compact personal robot that offers a level of sophistication you usually don’t find in robots for under $1000, let alone in one that costs less than 500 clams.

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We've finally created the robot version of Hell: force one to sit, eternally, in a dentist chair and have it's mouth operated on. Could we make it worse? Why not give the bot sensitive teeth, eh? Unfortunately for the Simroid, Kokoro went the whole nine yards when the company designed it to act as a responsive training aid for dentists — teeth and all.

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I saw a presentation by Professor Siciliano from University of Naples a few weeks ago. During the presentation, he briefly mentioned (and had a video) of a very cool new humanoid named Justin. Justin sports not one, but two of the DLR-III Light-Weight arms (now being manufactured by Kuka). These arms are impressive! They're the first robotic arms (to my knowledge) to have a 1-to-1 power-to-weight ratio (meaning they can lift their own mass). These are very "sexy" arms, and even more impressive in person (Georgia Tech has one in orange that I spent some time examining -- way cool). Anyway, I was unable to find copies of the videos Professor Siciliano showed during his presentation. The best I could find was a video on Wired's site from ICRA-2007. They apparently do not allow downloads, so the following was the best I could muster: Justin-ICRA07 
這只被命名為Justin的人型機器人現在只是個展示品,未來會投入商業應用也說不定。幸好這傢伙是被固定在桌子上的,如果長了腿到處亂跑還不知道會造成何等的混亂。 Justin最大的特色就是那強大的DLR-III Light-Weight雙臂,除了外觀時尚以外,擺動起來也是相當靈巧,可以撿起垃圾或是旋開瓶蓋。

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還記得曾經紅極一時的AIBO嗎?隨著後進越來越多,AIBO如果不學點新花樣就會變成被遺忘的老狗啦!卡爾加裡大學在一個研究人機介面的計畫Wiibot中,將Wiimote和Nunchuck綁在人的手臂肌肉上後和AIBO的控制程式連結,於是AIBO的前肢就和主人的雙手合為一體,走路握手都難不倒牠!他們還特別錄製了一段影片,顯示這個控制介面如何輕鬆的打敗鍵盤的上下左右鍵,快跳轉去看看吧! 等Wii Fit出來,相信很快就會有人開發全身控制模組了!

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While we thoroughly enjoyed hearing of EMIEW's (presumably) short-lived career as a hotel clerk, it looks like Hitachi's EMIEW 2 has some seriously large aspirations. In a recent demonstration in Hitachinaka, the two-wheeled robot wowed onlookers as it received commands wirelessly and happily ran office errands without too much trouble. The creation, which stands some 31.5-inches tall and weighs 29-pounds, did crash into a desk and stand motionless momentarily while being previewed, but developers didn't hesitate to inform the crowd that kinks were still being ironed out. Nevertheless, it was able to avoid obstacles while rolling about, understand and respond to human speech and move around for an hour before needing a recharge. The company refused to spill details surrounding its eventual price and release date, but we're hearing there may soon be an open spot in Scranton that this fellow could certainly fill.

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