Robo Japan 2008: Bandai’s NetTansorWeb, the first robot blogger

The NetTansorWeb (NTW) doesn’t have Kitty-chan’s looks nor Plen’s rollerskating skills but it does one thing that other robots can’t: it blogs. This is probably the world’s first robot blogger, if you discount splogs that are created by net bots.

This Wi-Fi enabled robot has a camera on its head, cyclops-like, that is uses to take photos with and posts them in a blog. It can post short comments, too, I read. Pretty cool, no? Who needs paid bloggers when robots can do it for free?

This harmless-looking robot might actually replace real bloggers in the future.

The NTW can be controlled remotely, for live videos for example. It can send upon request a photo of its surroundings to a mobile phone. It can also read RSS feeds aloud from the Internet.

All in all, this is a robot that is worth watching out for. Especially for real bloggers whose jobs might be under threat from a machine that can do their work around the clock, twenty-four hours a day and for free.

Available from Bandai in December for 50,000 yen (about $488).

如果機器人可以寫部落格,還寫的勤奮努力、又快又好又不拖稿,那很多編輯會失業,部落客們就沒事做了。Bandai宣佈配有WiFi、內建攝影機的機器人Net Tansor Web,每隔一段時間就會在網頁貼上機智的回應,機器人可以回應讀者的意見,像是「爛貨!不就是蘋果玩意嗎?」還會依據不同情況做調適。Net Tansor還可以處理直播影片、大聲讀出RSS而不厭倦。Bandai預計定價在5萬日元(約新台幣16,000元)。





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