The cheapest place I've found to buy Polymorph is Rapid Electronics, where is it only £15 per Kg, and if you buy two 1Kg packs you'll have spent enough to get free delivery. Some places are charging double this plus delivery.
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build a new android that was a bit more biologically inspired and had more degrees of freedom than the other previous androids with their twin hinged parallelogram style legs. I also took a lot of influence from TheRobotStudio as you will see through the construction pictures.
The main materials used for this android include Polymorph (called Shapelock in the US). This is a plastic which melts at around 60 degrees C / 140 degrees F so that you can melt it in hot water and mash it about with your hands. It sets again when it cools and is probably as tough as nylon.
一些瘋狂的科學家和一些機器人愛好者通過一些可塑性高的塑料、支架、電子工具等,創造出了機器人下身的原型。通過一些木質插槽和環形材料構成了機器人的髖關節,這個 設計的原理和人類關節的構造十分相似,而膝關節則是有四個小馬達組成,還用一些網狀的彈力線模擬了肌腱的運動。而運動的能量則是由電池提供的。腿的部分就 達到26英吋高,要是全部造好一定能達到人類的高度。引用來源中還有更多關於這個怪物所有相關設計原材料的介紹。(癮科技)