目前分類:歐美 (212)
- May 07 Fri 2010 09:42
做到心坎裡的_終結者 機器人
- Apr 12 Mon 2010 10:10
Willow Garage 的 PR2 機器人
Willow Garage 的 PR2 機器人是一個開源機器人作業系統專案,先前曾有人讓這台可愛( ? )的機器人學會如何在辦公室裡漫步尋找插頭,而現在柏克萊大學的研究人員又找到新的工作給他做,那就是:折毛巾。
- Apr 06 Tue 2010 11:23
Robot Apocalypse
You don't think the Robot Apocalypse is upon us, but we assure you, it is. The HUMAVIPS project, which will span three years and hopefully result in robots being developed with "social skills," may seem innocent -- even beneficial -- at first blush, but let's think about it. Will "humanoids with auditory and visual abilities in populated spaces" have more power than you, as an Earthling, would like? If all goes well, these robotic dudes and dudettes will be able to mimic what's known as the "cocktail party effect," which is better explained as "the human ability to focus attention on just one person in the midst of other people, voices and background noise." So yeah, this definitely goes two ways -- on one hand, you could finally have a live-in robot that pays attention to your feelings as the world around you crumbles, but on the other, these guys won't have any issue overlooking your wailing when it's them bringing everything down. Yikes.
- Mar 29 Mon 2010 10:40
- Mar 22 Mon 2010 10:30
- Mar 17 Wed 2010 10:49
- Mar 16 Tue 2010 10:40
CNN 選出美國最佳的 50 個工作,看機器人前途。
- Mar 12 Fri 2010 13:57
Martin Jetpack
- Mar 08 Mon 2010 10:32
機器人Interbots Quasi
- Feb 25 Thu 2010 09:47
- Feb 22 Mon 2010 11:34
NASA & GM 機器人
- Feb 22 Mon 2010 11:03
- Feb 11 Thu 2010 10:24
Locus OS 概念作業系統
- Feb 02 Tue 2010 17:50
- Jan 25 Mon 2010 12:41