At 1/4 cubic inch and weighing less than an ounce, it is possibly the smallest autonomous untethered robot ever created. Powered by three watch batteries, it rides on track wheels and consists of an 8K ROM processor, temperature sensor, and two motors that drive the wheels. Enhancements being considered include a miniature camera, microphone, communication device, and chemical micro-sensor.
“This could be the robot of the future,” says Ed Heller, one of the project’s researchers. “It may eventually be capable of performing difficult tasks that are done with much larger robots today — such as locating and disabling land mines or detecting chemical and biological weapons.” He says it could, for example, scramble through pipes or prowl around buildings looking for chemical plumes or human movement.
The robots may be capable of relaying information to a manned station and communicating with each other. They will be able to work together in swarms, like insects.
The miniature robots will be able to go into locations too small for their larger relatives. The mini-robot has already maneuvered its way through a field of dimes and nickels and travels at about 20 inches a minute. It can sit easily on a nickel. The newest robot miniaturization research supports Laboratories Directed Research and Development (LDRD) work started in Sandia’s Intelligent Systems Sensors & Controls Department. In 1996 the department unveiled a Mini Autonomous Robot Vehicle (MARV), a one-cubic-inch robot that contained all the necessary power, sensors, computers, and controls on board. It was made primarily from commercial parts using conventional machining techniques.
Over the next several years the department improved the original MARV. The robots’ bodies were made of printed circuit boards, and each had an obstacle detector sensor, radio, temperature sensor, and batteries. At 1.6 x 0.75 x 0.71 inches, they were still larger than was desirable. Sandia roboticist Ray Byrne, who was involved in the LDRD efforts, says about three years ago Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center teamed with Sandia’s Sensor Technologies Department to further miniaturize the robots.
They sought out the department’s help because of its expertise in building sensors and other devices on miniature scales. By trying new techniques at packaging electronics, wheel design, and body material, the new team of researchers shrunk the robots to 1/4 cubic inch. Heller, who developed the device’s microelectronics, says one significant innovation that permitted the shrinkage was the use of commercially available unpackaged electronics parts. “Previous small robots consisted of packaged electronic parts that were more bulky and took up valuable space.
By eliminating the packaging and using electronic components in die form, we reduced the size of the robots electronics considerably,” Heller says. “This was a first major step.” The unpackaged parts are assembled onto a simple multi-chip module on a glass substrate. The assembly was done at Sandia’s Compound Semiconductor Research Laboratory. 亞伯科基, N.M 。由研究員開發在能源部Sandia 國家實驗室。在1/4 立方英寸和稱較少比一盎司, 這可能是最小的自治untethered 機器人曾經被創造。
由三個手錶電池供給動力, 它乘坐在軌道輪子和包括8K ROM 處理器、溫度傳感器, 和駕駛輪子的二個馬達。改進被考慮包括一個微型照相機、話筒、通信設備, 和化工微傳感器。
"這能是未來的機器人," 說Ed ・Heller, 項目的研究員的當中一個。"它也許最終是能執行今天完成與更大的機器人譬如位於的 — 和使失去能力的地雷或查出化工和生物武器的難題。" 他說它能, 例如, 擾亂通過管子或四處覓食在大廈附近尋找化學製品羽毛或人的運動。機器人也許是能傳遞資訊對一個供以人員的駐地和通信互相。
他們能共同努力在群, 像昆蟲。微型機器人能進入地點太小為他們的更大的親戚。 微型機器人已經操縱它的方式通過角錢的領域和鎳和旅行在大約20 英寸每分鐘。 最新的機器人小型化研究支持實驗室指揮了研究與發展(LDRD) 工作開始在Sandia 的聰明的系統傳感器裡& 控制部門。
在1996 部門被揭幕一輛微型自治機器人車(MARV), 包含所有必要的力量、傳感器、電腦, 和控制在船上的一立方體英寸機器人。它主要由商業部份被做了使用常規用機器製造的技術。今後幾年部門改進了原始的MARV 。機器人的身體由印製電路板做成, 並且每個有一個障礙探測器傳感器、收音機、溫度傳感器, 和電池。在1.6 x 0.75 x 0.71 比中意的移動, 他們大的。 Sandia roboticist 光芒Byrne, 被介入在LDRD 努力, 認為大約三年前聰明的系統和機器人學中心合作以Sandia 的傳感器技術部門進一步小型化機器人。
他們尋找了部門的幫助由於它的專門技術在大廈傳感器和其它設備裡在微型等級。 由嘗試新技術在包裝的電子、輪子設計, 和身體材料, 研究員的新隊被收縮機器人對1/4 立方英寸。 Heller, 開發設備的微電子學, 認為允許的一重大創新收縮是對商業可利用的打開包裝的電子零件的用途。 "早先小機器人包括了是更加龐大的被包裝的電子零件並且佔去了可貴的空間。由消滅包裝的和使用的電子元件在模子形成, 我們可觀地減少了機器人電子的大小, "Heller 認為。"這是第一主要步。" 打開包裝的零件裝配一個簡單的多芯片模塊在玻璃基體。彙編完成在Sandia 的複合半導體研究實驗室。
Doug ・Adkins, 開發機械設計為新微型機器人, 說研究員進一步減少了它的大小由使用一個新迅速prototyping 的技術形成設備的身體。叫的stereolithography, 材料大廈方法制定由laser 治療的非常稀薄的聚合物儲蓄。材料, "增長" 當各層數增加, 是輕量級選手, 堅強, 並且可能被形成在複雜形狀。機器人身體有洞為電池、電子嵌入玻璃基體、軌、微小的馬達、開關, 和其它零件。
微型機器人的最後大小由電源的大小主要限制 — 三個手錶電池。身體必須是足夠大的拿著電池支持機器人的功率需要量。 "電池 — 物理大小和電池壽命 — 是我們的最大的問題的當中一個," Heller 認為。"電池需要長期運行和更小。
" 今後幾年, 在另外的幫助下從其它Sandia 小組, Heller 和Adkins 準備增加來微型機器人或紅外或無線電無線雙向通信能力, 並且微型攝像機, 話筒, 和化工微傳感器。
Sandia 是多元程式化實驗室由Sandia Corporation, 洛克希德馬丁公司公司管理, 為美國能源部根據合同DE-AC04-94.AL85000 。以主要設施在亞伯科基, N.M., 和Livermore, 加利福尼亞, Sandia 有主要研究與發展責任在國家安全、能量和環境技術, 和經濟競爭力。
- Sep 25 Tue 2007 15:49
mini car