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(2009.6.29 國際大樓101會議室)

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4.      請將填妥之報名表於625日前傳真至(02) 2730-1187 emailflores.ms19@mail.ntust.edu.tw

5.      本演講聯絡人為鍾小姐,聯絡電話:2733-31417649

時 間 活 動 內 容 主持人/引言人
13:00-13:30 報 到
13:30-13:40 Opening Ceremony 開幕致詞
13:40-15:00 【專題演講】
題 目 :The Problems of High-precision Control by Manipulators
and Underwater Robots
演講者:Prof. Vladimir Fedorovich Filaretov

15:00-15:40 【專題演講】
題 目 :Control of an Artificial Hand
演講者: Prof. Han-Pan Huang
黃漢邦 台灣大學機械工程學系終身特聘教授

15:40-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-16:50 【專題演講】
題 目 :Compliance Control of Robotic Manipulations by
Neuro-muscular Model
演講者:Prof. Kao-Shing Hwang
黃國勝 中正大學電機工程學系教授

16:50-17:30 【專題演講】
題 目 :Development of Humanoid Robots for Theatric
演講者:Prof. Chyi-Yeu Lin
林其禹 台灣科技大學機械工程系教授


演講一: The Problems of High-precision Control by Manipulators and Underwater Robots
In the report various methods of synthesis of high-quality systems and devices for automatic control by the nonlinear dynamic objects: by multilink manipulators, by walking robots and by autonomous underwater vehicles with indefinite and quickly changing parameters are considered. These objects should precisely move along arbitrary spatial trajectories. Also the control systems are considered, which allow not only exact to move dynamic objects in a space, but also to transfer in the course of this motions exact force actions to the objects of works. The telecontrol problems by multilink manipulators with the help of television cameras, which in the course of work change spatial orientation their optical axes are considered too.

●Prof. Vladimir Fedorovich Filaretov - 俄國工程院副院長,Prof. Vladimir Fedorovich Filaretov目前為俄羅斯工程院副院長暨遠東分院院長、俄羅斯國家科學院通訊院士、國立海蔘威遠東科技大學數學及電腦工程學院教授,莫斯科學院無線電控制、電子工程及自動化控制教研組主任。Prof. Vladimir Fedorovich Filaretov是位「多參數複雜非線性系統之適應性和最佳控制」,及「複雜連體機構動力學領域數學模式描述」領域之世界級專家。他的研究主要在研發工業用和海底機器人、機器手臂和其他系統,並促成全自動裝置和技術操作。目前已發表超過500篇論文、出版4本專書,並因研發創新技術系統和裝置已獲得225個發明專利。

演講二: Control of an Artificial Hand
This talk will address a novel EMG classifier called Cascaded Kernel Learning Machine (CKLM) to achieve the goal of high-accuracy EMG recognition. CKLM is composed of two different kinds of kernel learning machines: generalized discriminant analysis (GDA) algorithm and support vector machine (SVM). In addition, we develop a DSP-based EMG classification system for the control of a multi-DOFs’ prosthetic hand for the practical implementation. Based on the clinical experiments, the results show that the proposed CKLM is superior to other frequently used methods.

●Prof. Huang Han-Pan 黃漢邦 - 國立台灣大學機械工程學系終身特聘教授、工業工程學研究所教授、及教育部科技顧問室顧問。曾任國立台灣大學製造自動化中心主任、工學院副院長、工業工程學研究所所長、機械工程學系主任、國科會自動化學門召集人、及自動化科技學會理事長。主要研究興趣為智慧型機器人、仿生機器人、人工義手、光機電整合、人機互動行為、控制系統、製造自動化與排程、及RFID。

演講三: Compliance Control of Robotic Manipulations by Neuro-muscular Model
A neuromuscular-like model inspired by mammal’s capability of adaptation is developed for robotic control. To implement a robot with the neuromuscular control, patterns of motor commands for coordinating multiple joints are studied. In this talk the compliant capability of the model is demonstrated through controlling movements of a PUMA 560 robot for exploring possible robotic applications.

●Prof. Hwang Kao-Shing 黃國勝 – 國立中正大學電機系教授,及國際工程和技術學會(the Institute of Engineering and Technology)院士。曾任三洋公司設計工程師、美國C&D Microsystem 公司系統程式工程師、國立中正大學電機系系主任、國科會自動化學門覆審委員。目前擔任IEEE Robotics and Automation Society台北分會主席、IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, "Intelligent Learning in Control Systems"技術委員會共同主席。

演講四: Development of Humanoid Robots for Theatric Applications
The talk mainly focuses on the development of a unique robot theater in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. The two adult-sized two-armed and biped androids and two dual-wheeled two-armed robots designed for theatric performance will be introduced. The world-first robot theater performed by two androids on December 27, 2008, in NTUST and their programs will be also presented.

●Prof. Chyi-Yeu Lin 林其禹 - 國立台灣科技大學機械系教授兼系主任、及智慧型機械人研究中心主任。曾任國立台灣科技大學諮商輔導中心主任、創造力中心主任、技術移轉中心主任。主要研究興趣為智慧型機器人、智慧型系統、全自主式系統、最佳設計、結構最佳化。


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