Kondo 機器人應該有不少人聽過(甚至是玩過),不過一堆 Kondo 機器人同場拼生死的畫面,大家大概就不容易有機會看到了吧!
最近剛結束沒多久的第二屆『Kondo Battle』,裡頭就有一票小巧靈活可愛 邪惡的 Kondo 機器人拼個你死活我,而透過(跳轉後)一票影片的畫面,不知道各位是否越來越期待,那天在路上看鋼彈踩爛別人汽車的畫面呢?跳轉後有四隻影片(IDG 採訪一則,廝殺影片三則),希望大家看得過癮囉!

You may be familiar with the modular line of Kondo robots sold in Japan -- but are you aware that a "Kondo Battle" exists where the bots duke it out to the death (or until they fall over)? Well, now you know... which is half the battle. You can pretty much see where this is headed -- life-size (or larger) Gundams going totally crazy on cityscapes across the globe. A picture says a thousand words, and video says billions and billions, so feast your eyes on the IDG News clip after the break, and to sweeten the deal, we've included a few videos of the actual fights as well.




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