
With gardening becoming increasingly popular thanks to the credit crunch any help with the digging and weeding is to be welcomed.

To that effect Japanese scientists have come up with a robot suit designed to help with tilling the soil.

The only problem is it might give whoever's trying to put it on a bad back never mind what the neighbours will say Weighing in at 55lb (about the same as 25 bags of sugar) the inventors at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology insist the 'suit' carries its own weight and places a minimum load on the operator.

However, when it comes to buying one they may have to dip into their pension pots as the suits - out in three years time - are expected to cost between ¢G3,500 and ¢G7,000.

'Human robotic technology is being applied to various industries but it has great potential in the agricultural industry, in which people have to bear a heavy burden,' Professor Shigeki Toyama said.

'That's especially obvious in Japan, where the industry is rapidly ageing and its population is shrinking,' he said.

Japan has been developing robots to serve in a growing number of jobs including office receptionists, waiters and security guards.

看到這麼多機器手臂或是走路輔助裝置,不曉得這算不算是另類的機器人大戰?隨著年齡的增長和收成的增加,再怎麼辛勤不怕苦的農夫和花匠們也會開始感到吃力,為了幫助他們,東京農工大學( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)開發出一款機器手臂裝置,雖然重達55磅(約25公斤),但在8個馬達和16個感應器的協助下,不會帶給使用者太大的負擔,反而能賜給他們神奇的力量,研究人員表示,這款機器手臂在3年內就能推出,售價大概在五千到一萬美元之間(約台幣16萬到33萬之間)。(癮科技)



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