
機器人可以做什麼?大家應該不難想像,可以當武器、當管家、甚至當人類的朋友,這在各種科幻電影、動畫裡早已不稀奇。在大阪的國際次世代機器人大展上,日本安川電機Yaskawa Electric又秀出其多用途機器人Motoman SDA10的新功能 - 做菜。去年Motoman-DIA10是用來在工廠進行產品包裝分類,在大阪的展場則搖身變成「煎餅機器人」,從點餐、做菜、上菜統包,把菜端到你面前後還可以貼心地幫你加調味料,跳轉之後的影片,則是拿Motoman SDA10來組裝相機,組裝一台只要兩分鐘,在這裡不禁為各位作業員叔叔、阿姨擔憂...orz(癮科技)

The multi-talented Motoman SDA10, a dexterous dual-arm industrial robot manufactured by Yaskawa Electric, is demonstrating its ability to cook okonomiyaki at the International Next-Generation Robot Fair now underway in Osaka.

Designed to operate independently alongside humans in the workplace, the 135-centimeter (4.5 ft) tall, 220-kilogram (480 lb) industrial robot has 15 joints — 7 in each arm and one in the torso — allowing a wide range of motion for the job, whether it be on the factory floor or behind the kitchen counter.

For a peek at Motoman’s dexterity, check out this video (from Fuji TV’s “The Best House 1-2-3″) of the robot delicately assembling a disposable camera from two dozen parts. The robot completes the complicated series of tasks in two minutes.

This high degree of manual precision comes in handy when grilling up okonomiyaki.




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