(A researcher for NTT DoCoMo demonstrates how to control a digital music player with his eyes in Tokyo)
看到這個圖片,著實讓我們嚇了一跳,這種奇特的方式是由日本NTT DoCoMo公司帶來的,通過耳機連線上的感應器和晶片,可以讓用戶僅僅滾動眼球就能操縱可攜式數位音樂播放器。在演示中,日本研究人員Hiroyuki Manabe戴上此巨大耳機,展示其感應器是如何探測到他的眼球運動所產生的電流,結果他通過眼神變化成功地打開了音樂播放程式,還滾動眼球調節音量並向 右眨眼了兩次選擇了快轉。此耳機可通過感應器晶片檢測眼球的變化。另一項產品則是能探測用戶拇指和食指的手錶,當拇指和食指一起作敲打動作時,便可充當遙 控器,控制像DVD這樣的電子產品。 不過說實話,這樣的裝置對殘疾人士是莫大的福音,對正常人來說,你不想在你聽音樂的時候嚇到別人吧?狂翻白眼?不知道鬥雞眼可以用來控制什麼?暫停麼嗎?(癮科技)
It may not be the most inconspicuous gadget, but this pair of headphones wired up to sensors and chips allows a user to control a portable music player just by rolling their eyes. In a demonstration researcher Hiroyuki Manabe wore the giant headset to show how the sensors detected electrical currents produced by the movements of his eyeballs. The computer graphic lines in a monitor connected to the headset darted wildly whenever they moved. Mr Manabe was able to turn up the volume on a digital music player by rolling his eyes, and fast forward a track by jerking his eyes twice to the right.
The new technology from Japanese mobile giant NTT DoCoMo may also enable cell phone cameras to read bar codes to get product information, download music and coupons when the user simply looks at the codes. 'We are working on a cell phone of the future,' Masaaki Fukumoto, executive research engineer at NTT said.