Shape-shifting, organ-probing chembots coming soon

The current generation of robots, whether they're the gun-carrying or child-coddling
variety, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes to suit their intended purpose. But if research going on at Tufts University comes to fruition, future robots might feature designs that are rather more flexible. Scientists at the school are working on so-called "chemical robots" with no solid parts. Chembots could squeeze under doors, slither through cracks in walls, and even squirm into your orifices, performing internal diagnoses before slowly dissolving away, leaving nothing more than a feeling of creepy violation behind. What about assuming the shape and voice of John Connor's adopted mother? We're hoping that's still a few years off.( Tim Stevens)

Tufts to develop morphing 'chemical robots'

Tufts University has received federal funding to develop chemical robots that will be able to squeeze into spaces as tiny as 1 centimeter, then morph into something 10 times larger, and ultimately biodegrade. The "chembots" could access urban environments, tunnels, caves and debris fields, and carry out other risky operations in complex environments.


這回塔夫斯大學(Tufts University)要做的,就是這種液態金屬人的原型,怎樣,有被嚇到嗎?該計畫目前可是接受 DARPA(美國國防部高等研究計畫局)的經費挹注,計畫是弄出個可以在各種極惡劣、現今機器、儀器無法到達探測、執行任務的環境下作業的機器人。



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