University of Florida researchers Jack DiGiovanna, left, and Justin Sanchez worked with colleagues to develop and test a brain-machine interface system that adapts to changes in brain patterns over time. The College of Engineering and College of Medicine researchers tested a model of this system in rats trained to move this robotic arm with their minds.
看過了一些腦機互動介面應用在協助義肢跟人腦的溝通的例子,不過大多都是由大腦在掌控所有的指令,內建的晶片只是負責將指令轉換成義肢可以接受的數位訊號,而佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)最近丟出的一項研究成果,則是要讓腦機介面也可以有學習成長的空間。