The robot exists mostly as a way to show off the company's skills. Nuvation effectively specializes in taking other people's hardware and software and developing new systems that the original developers didn't think of. The air hockey terminator basically consists of an industrial robot rigged with an optical sensor that's programmed to follow, and react to, a specific moving object. That would be the puck covered with a shiny, metallic decal. The robot, by the way, does live up to its advance billing, according to Kanellos. In watching it for a half an hour at the Freescale Technology Forum, the bot never lost a goal and scored many. Granted, none of the players he witnessed were off-duty roofing contractors tanked up on a 12-pack of Keystone Lager, but some players were pretty good nonetheless. The most eerie moments come when the robot would block a shot without even moving. It mocks you with its stillness. Engineers at the company gave him some tips on beating it. He can't reveal them but offered these clues: Women do better than men and, if you can't master your anger, your anger will master you. 


在air hockey-playing遊戲中,通過一個智能機械臂,不僅能進攻還能防守,而且成功率在百分之九十以上。也許你已經猜到了,這個桌上冰球的高手實際 上是借助於一個光學感應器和相應的電腦程式來對此作出反應的。


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