Nanosoccer at 2008 US RoboCup Open promises to be a real riot for the microscopic set!!
今年再度由美國國家標準與技術研究院 (The National Institute of Standards and Technology) 主辦的世界盃機器人足球賽美國站 (2008 US RoboCup Open) ,當中將再度出現奈米機器人相互較勁的場面,而不同之前的那一次,這回可是開放給一般大眾參觀。
這次的比賽地點是在美國的匹茲堡市 (Pittsburgh) ,時間則是五月的 25 號到 27 號;當中的奈米機器人小賽,參賽隊伍有卡內基美隆大學 ( Carnegie-Mellon University ) 、美國海軍官校 ( U.S. Naval Academy ) ,以及來自加拿大的滑鐵盧大學 ( University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) 。
控制方面,則是靠施加的磁場以及晶片球場上的電子訊號;而據說參賽的球員們,身材大概只有阿米巴原蟲的六分之一 ( 長約數微米到數百微米 ) ,基本上可能還稱不太上所謂的奈米級,不過這些用金、鋁、鎳、矽等材料打造的奈米機器人,體重僅數奈克到數百奈克 (nanogram) 左右,所以基本上應該是奈在這裡...
而除了在球場上較勁之外,還有另一項技術性的小比賽,就是讓球員在 2mm 的距離間,夾奈米球衝刺,最快者勝出,那顆球的直徑大小,大概是跟人的頭髮直徑一般;據說還有隊伍將在水中進行,以減少摩擦力...
For this one, your glasses ain't gonna be much help. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will be hosting for the second time the world's most puny sport, and you are invited. This year, three student teams (Carnegie-Mellon University, the U.S. Naval Academy, and the University of Waterloo, from Ontario, Canada), will participate in a public exhibition at the 2008 US RoboCup Open in Pittsburgh, PA, May 25 to 27, a competition "where miniature "soccer players"--computer-driven robots six times smaller than an amoeba operating on a field the size of a grain of rice--will show off their skills." So, what does it have to do with medicine? Consider the following:
The nanobots will be demonstrating agility, maneuverability, response to computer control and ability to move objects—all tools that future miniaturized mechanized workers will need for tasks such as microsurgery within the human body or the manufacturing of atom-sized components for microscopic electronic devices.
RoboCup is an annual international competition designed to foster innovations and advances in artificial intelligence and intelligent robotics by using the game of soccer as a testing ground. NIST’s goal in coordinating competitions between the world’s smallest robots is to show the feasibility and accessibility of technologies for fabricating MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), tiny mechanical devices built onto semiconductor chips and measured in micrometers (millionth of a meter).
The soccer nanobots are operated by remote control under an optical microscope. They move in response to changing magnetic fields or electrical signals transmitted across the microchip arena. Although the bots are a few tens of micrometers to a few hundred micrometers long, they are considered “nanoscale” because their masses range from a few nanograms to a few hundred nanograms. They are manufactured from materials such as aluminum, nickel, gold, silicon and chromium.
Among the nanosoccer drills that will be demonstrated in Pittsburgh are the two-millimeter dash in which nanobots seek fast times for a goal-to-goal sprint across the playing field; a slalom course where the path between goals is blocked by “defenders” (polymer posts); and a ball handling exercise that requires robots to move “nanoballs” (spheres with the diameter of a human hair) into the goal. One team even plans to conduct its runs underwater to lessen friction.
RoboCup and NIST are jointly organizing the upcoming U.S. Open nanosoccer demonstration as the final step toward the first official Nanogram League competition for soccer nanobots at the 2009 international RoboCup event in Austria.
full story:
- May 20 Tue 2008 11:26